Android File Transfer Mohave

  1. Find the file manager app. Left: Files app on a Pixel 3. Right: My Files on a Galaxy S10 Plus. Screenshots by Jason Cipriani/CNET By far the easiest way to find downloaded files on Android is to.
  2. Jul 22, 2021 Launch the Android File Transfer to see if the problem is solved. Enable USB debugging on your Android device. USB debugging is essential for data transfer between the Android device and Mac. If you are using Android File Transfer without enabling this feature, then the file transfer will not work.

An excellent file explorer for all mobile phones to browse phone files, and transfer all files or folders between mobile phone and computer. Directly drag & drop wanted music, videos, documents, ebooks and other files into a phone folder. Mange or export the files or folders from Android/iOS devices. Transfer data between computer and mobile SD.

The Device File Explorer allows you to view, copy, and delete files on anAndroid device. This is useful when examining files that are created by your appor if you want to transfer files to and from a device.

Note: Most device data is not visible unless you are using a rooted device or anemulator with a standard Android (AOSP) system image (not one of the Google APIsor Google Play system images). And when using a connected device, be sure youenable USB debugging.

To work with a device's file system, proceed as follows:

  1. Click View > Tool Windows > Device File Explorer or click theDevice File Explorer button in the tool window bar to open the Device File Explorer.
  2. Select a device from the drop down list.
  3. Interact with the device content in the file explorer window. Right-click on a file or directory to create a new file or directory, save the selected file or directory to your machine, upload, delete, or synchronize. Double-click a file to open it in Android Studio.

    Android Studio saves files you open this way in a temporary directory outside of your project. If you make modifications to a file you opened using the Device File Explorer, and would like to save your changes back to the device, you must manually upload the modified version of the file to the device.

Figure 1. The Device File Explorer tool window

When exploring a device's files, the following directories are particularlyuseful:

Contains data files for your app stored oninternal storage
Contains user files stored onexternal userstorage (pictures, etc.)

Note: Not all files on a hardware device arevisible in the Device File Explorer. For example, in the data/data/directory, entries corresponding to apps on the device that are not debuggablecannot be expanded in the Device File Explorer.

The Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) can be used to transfer media files to and from many mobile phones (all Windows Phone 7/8/10 devices, most newer Android devices) and media players (e.g. Creative Zen).


To connect your computer to a device via MTP:

  • the device needs to be connected to your computer via USB
  • MTP needs to be enabled on the device
  • the device's screen needs to be unlocked (for security reasons)

FUSE filesystems

The following programs let you access MTP devices via a FUSE filesystem.

Note: MTP is messy and its implementation varies between devices. Try the below clients and see which one works best with your device.

Android File Transfer Mojave Not Working

Tip: It is recommended to reboot your computer after installing MTP related packages.

For the FUSE-based file systems, you might need to create the mount-point directory first. The directory ~/mnt is used in the examples below.

FUSE mounts can generally be unmounted using fusermount -u mountpoint.

Android File Transfer

Android File Transfer — MTP client with CLI, Qt UI, and FUSE wrapper which uses a custom MTP implementation

Android File Transfer Mohave || android-file-transfer

Mount your device on ~/mnt:

If you want album art to be displayed, it must be named and placed first in the destination folder. Then copy other files. Also, note that fuse could be 7-8 times slower than ui/cli file transfer.

If you want to interact with it via the command line interface, run the command:

Type help in order to list all the commands available, exit to quit.

If you want to interact with it via the graphical user interface, start the android-file-transfer application, choose a destination folder and click any button on the toolbar. Available options are: Upload Album, Upload Directory and Upload Files. The latter two are self-explanatory. Upload album searches the source directory for album covers, and sets the best available cover.


MTPfs — based on libmtp, it is a FUSE filesystem that supports reading and writing from any MTP device || mtpfs
Note: The following is likely to not work and you might have to resort to libgphoto2 or a file manager with gvfs support like PCManFM.

First edit your /etc/fuse.conf and uncomment the following line:

Mount your device on ~/mnt:


jmtpfs — based on libmtp for accessing MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devices || jmtpfsAUR

Mount device on ~/mnt:

Make this cohere to the rest of Linux (use regular mount/umount commands) by doing two steps

add this line to /etc/fstab;

Now mount the device and see if the options 'took'


SIMPLE-MTPFS — based on libmtp Simple Media Transfer Protocol FileSystem is a file system capable of operating on files on MTP devices attached via USB to local machine || simple-mtpfsAUR

Run simple-mtpfs -l to list detected devices.

To mount the first device in the list to ~/mnt, run simple-mtpfs --device 1 ~/mnt.


go-mtpfs — FUSE filesystem with custom MTP implementation, written in Go || go-mtpfs-gitAUR

Install android-udev, which will allow you to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and apply to your idVendor and idProduct, which you can see after running mtp-detect. To the end of the line, add your user OWNER='<user>'.

Mount device on ~/mnt:

  • When using multiple devices you may want to use the -d flag to specify a device (id can be found by running mtp-detect
  • Mounting with go-mtpfs might fail if an external SD Card is present. If you try to access your device while having an SD card and go-mtpfs complains, try removing the SD card and mounting again.)


libmtp is a library MTP implementation, which also comes with some example command-line tools (which you can list using pacman -Ql libmtp).

Install the libmtp package.

Run mtp-detect to detect your device.

If an error is returned, make sure your user is in the uucpuser group.

You can transfer files using the mtp-connect command.

Media players

You can also use your MTP device in music players such as Amarok. To achieve this, you might have to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules (the MTP device used in the following example is a Galaxy Nexus). Run:

Search for your device. It should be something like that:

And entry to /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules will be this:

Also reload udev rules:

File manager integration

To view the contents of your Android device's storage via MTP in your file manager, install the corresponding plugin:

  • For file managers that use GVFS (GNOME Files), install gvfs-mtp for MTP or gvfs-gphoto2 for PTP support.
  • For file managers that use KIO (KDE's Dolphin), MTP support is included in kio-extras (dependency of dolphin).

After installing the required package, the device should show up in the file manager automatically and be accessible via an URL, for example mtp://[usb:002,013]/.


This article or section is a candidate for merging with udev.

Notes:please use the second argument of the template to provide more detailed indications. (Discuss in Talk:Media Transfer Protocol#)

The gvfs-mtp is available in the official repositories.

With lsusb you can get information about your device where Bus and Device numbers can be used with gvfs-mtp and device ID for creating of an udev rule.

To see detected device with enabled MTP

Use gio mount:

Use lsusb:

To mount all available connected MTP devices use inline script

To mount or dismount from a command with gvfs-mtp use Bus and Device numbers, e.g. to mount gio mount mtp://[usb:001,007]/ and to unmount gio mount -u mtp://[usb:001,007]/. The mounted device will be available in a directory that begins with mtp:host= and is located under /run/user/$UID/gvfs/.

Disable automount of MTP devices with gvfs you will need to change value true to false for variable AutoMount that is located in /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/mtp.mount.

Note: The file managers can have own options for automount. On start they checking for all available mountable devices.

If your device is not showing up in the file manager then #libmtp is missing a native support and is not currently available in the list of the supported devices. If you will try to mount by using command line you may also get an error

The workaround to make it shown in the file manager is to write an udev rule for the device but it is no guaranty that you will be able to mount it with by using MTP connection.

Use ID number that represents by pattern vendorId:productID,e.g. 04b7:88a9, and make an udev rule by creating a configuration file

Reload the udev rules.

The file managers with support for gvfs will be able to show MTP devices and mount them if supported by #libmtp but if has no support and cannot be opened then change settings in the phone to PTP and install gvfs-gphoto2 for having access at least to the photos, command line mounting of PTP is a little similar to mounting of the MTP devices: gio mount gphoto2://[usb:002,019]/.

Note: If you getting limited access to the device and cannot use standard commands from command line such as e.g. cp,ls then look for gvfs own alternatives, ls -1 /usr/bin/gvfs-*.


libmtp (gvfs-mtp): filemanager (nautilus, pcmanfm, vifm and etc) hangs on accessing DCIM/Camera of Android device

Symptoms: everything works fine till moment of entering DCIM/Camera directory. In this case filemanager freezes and even in command line you cannot run even ls on that directory.

Possible and very probable reason is the bug of libmtp.

It seems that it is caused by file with name like 20180915_180351(0).jpg. Samsung phones for example like to create files with such names.

There are several tickets (one, two and etc) and questions (one, two) about it.

Android File Transfer Mohave Download

So possible workaround is to use different mtp option from #FUSE filesystems like go-mtpfs for such directories or somehow change file naming policy of your phone camera (or switch to another camera app like Open Camera for example).


jmtpfs: Input/output error upon first access


Symptoms: jmtpfs successfully mounts, but as soon as one attempts to access files on the device (e.g. via ls), an error is reported:

This appears to be a security feature: MTP does not work when the phone is locked by the lockscreen. Unlock the phone and it should work again as long as the cord remains connected.

kio-mtp: cannot use 'Open with File Manager' action

If you are not able to use the action 'Open with File Manager', you may work around this problem by editing the file /usr/share/solid/actions/solid_mtp.desktop.

Change the line Exec=kioclient exec mtp:udi=%i/ to Exec=dolphin 'mtp:/'.

kio-mtp being called simultaneously by different services

Parallel usage of mtpfs and kio-mtp, as well as conflicting services using kio-mtp -music players included- should be avoided, as mentioned in this forum.

Amarok's plugin for MTP services, for example, might be preventing Dolphin (plasma) to access different phone model's files. Switching it off was a solution for at least one user.

Android File Transfer For Windows

Android File Transfer: connect failed: no MTP device found

After installing android-file-transfer, while trying to mount any MTP device if you get the following error:

then install the package: android-udev. This package contains per manufacturer/device udev rules for MTP devices, making it easier to use ADB or MTP.

Android File Transfer For Mac

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