Best Art Program Krita Reddit 2018

If you use this.gih brush file in Krita, you'll have to create your own brush preset settings. The easiest way to do this is to Edit a simple brush preset like Basic-2Opacity and add characteristics to it in accordance with the GIMP characteristics. The problem here seems to be the 'Jitter' property which, as far as I can tell, has no direct. Krita (/ ˈ k r iː t ə / KREE-tə) is a free and open-source raster graphics editor designed primarily for digital painting and 2D animation.It runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and Chrome OS. May 20, 2015 A new video tutorial about Line-art tips in Krita. The theme was voted by my Patreon heros who support the creation of open tutorials; Thanks again their support! I hope you'll like it and I'm open to crits and comments to improve the next ones. Text version for those who can't hear or turn up the volume: Intro.

This page is about drawing tablets, what they are, how they work, andwhere things can go wrong.

What are Tablets?¶

Drawing with a mouse can be unintuitive and difficult compared to penciland paper. Even worse, extended mouse use can result in carpal tunnelsyndrome. That’s why most people who draw digitally use a specializedpiece of hardware known as a drawing tablet.

A drawing tablet is a piece of hardware that you can plug into yourmachine, much like a keyboard or mouse. It usually looks like a plasticpad, with a stylus. Another popular format is a computer monitor withstylus used to draw directly on the screen. These are better to use thana mouse because it’s more natural to draw with a stylus and generallybetter for your wrists.

With a properly installed tablet stylus, Krita can use information likepressure sensitivity, allowing you to make strokes that get bigger orsmaller depending on the pressure you put on them, to create richer andmore interesting strokes.


Sometimes, people confuse finger-touch styluses with a proper tablet. You can tell the difference because a drawing tablet stylus usually has a pointy nib, while a stylus made for finger-touch has a big rubbery round nib, like a finger. These tablets may not give good results and a pressure-sensitive tablet is recommended.

Supported Tablets¶

Supported tablets are owned by Krita developers themselves, so they can reliably diagnose and fix bugs. We maintain a list of those here.


If you’re looking for information about iPad or Android tablets, look here.

Drivers and Pressure Sensitivity¶

So you have bought a tablet, a real drawing tablet. And you want to get itto work with Krita! So you plug in the USB cable, start up Krita and…It doesn’t work! Or well, you can make strokes, but that pressuresensitivity you heard so much about doesn’t seem to work.

This is because you need to install a program called a ‘driver’. Usuallyyou can find the driver on a CD that was delivered alongside yourtablet, or on the website of the manufacturer. Go install it, and whileyou wait, we’ll go into the details of what it is!

Running on your computer is a basic system doing all the tricky bits ofrunning a computer for you. This is the operating system, or OS. Mostpeople use an operating system called Windows, but people on an Appledevice have an operating system called macOS, and some people, includingmany of the developers use a system called Linux.

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The base principle of all of these systems is the same though. You wouldlike to run programs like Krita, called software, on your computer, andyou want Krita to be able to communicate with the hardware, like yourdrawing tablet. But to have those two communicate can be reallydifficult - so the operating system, works as a glue between the two.

Whenever you start Krita, Krita will first make connections with theoperating system, so it can ask it for a lot of these things: It wouldlike to display things, and use the memory, and so on. Most importantly,it would like to get information from the tablet!

But it can’t! Turns out your operating system doesn’t know much abouttablets. That’s what drivers are for. Installing a driver gives theoperating system enough information, so the OS can provide Krita with theright information about the tablet. The hardware manufacturer’s job isto write a proper driver for each operating system.


Because drivers modify the operating system a little, you will always need to restart your computer when installing or uninstalling a driver, so don’t forget to do this! Conversely, because Krita isn’t a driver, you don’t need to even uninstall it to reset the configuration, just rename or delete the configuration file.

Where it can go wrong: Windows¶

Krita automatically connects to your tablet if the drivers areinstalled. When things go wrong, usually the problem isn’t with Krita.

Surface Pro tablets need two drivers¶

Certain tablets using n-trig, like the Surface Pro, have two types ofdrivers. One is native, n-trig and the other one is called Wintab.Since 3.3, Krita can use Windows Ink style drivers, just go toSettings ‣ Configure Krita… ‣ Tablet Settings andtoggle the Windows 8+ Pointer Input (Windows Ink) there. Youdon’t need to install the Wintab drivers anymore for n-trig based pens.

Windows 10 updates¶

Sometimes a Windows 10 update can mess up tablet drivers. In that case,reinstalling the drivers should work.

Wacom Tablets¶

There are three known problems with Wacom tablets and Windows.

The first is that if you have customized the driver settings, then sometimes,often after a driver update, but that is not necessary, the driver breaks.Resetting the driver to the default settings and then loading your settingsfrom a backup will solve this problem.

The second is that for some reason it might be necessary to change the displaypriority order. You might have to make your Cintiq screen your primary screen,or, on the other hand, make it the secondary screen. Double check in the Wacomsettings utility that the tablet in the Cintiq is associated with the Cintiqscreen.

The third is that if you have a display tablet like a Cintiq and a Wacom ExpressKeys remote, and you have disabled Windows Ink in the calibration page of the stylus settings dialog, so you have the full set of Wintab features, the Cintiq needs to be the first item in Wacom’s desktop application list. Otherwise, you will have an offset between stylus and mouse that will get worse the more displays there are to the left of the Cintiq display.

Best Art Program Krita Reddit 2018

Broken Drivers¶

Tablet drivers need to be made by the manufacturer. Sometimes, withreally cheap tablets, the hardware is fine, but the driver is badlywritten, which means that the driver just doesn’t work well. We cannotdo anything about this, sadly. You will have to send a complaint to themanufacturer for this, or buy a better tablet with better qualitydrivers.

Conflicting Drivers¶

On Windows, you can only have a single Wintab-style driver installed ata time. So be sure to uninstall the previous driver before installingthe one that comes with the tablet you want to use. Other operatingsystems are a bit better about this, but even Linux, where the driversare often preinstalled, can’t run two tablets with different drivers atonce.

Interfering software¶

Sometimes, there’s software that tries to make a security layer betweenKrita and the operating system. Sandboxie is an example of this.However, Krita cannot always connect to certain parts of the operatingsystem while sandboxed, so it will often break in programs likeSandboxie. Similarly, certain mouse software, like Razer utilities canalso affect whether Krita can talk to the operating system, convertingtablet information to mouse information. This type of software should beconfigured to leave Krita alone, or be uninstalled.

The following software has been reported to interfere with tablet eventsto Krita:

Best Art Program Krita Reddit 2018

  1. Sandboxie

  2. Razer mouse utilities

  3. AMD Catalyst:sup:TM “game mode” (this broke the right click for someone)

Flicks (Wait circle showing up and then calling the popup palette)¶

If you have a situation where trying to draw keeps bringing up thepop-up palette on Windows, then the problem might be flicks. These are atype of gesture, a bit of Windows functionality that allows you to makea motion to serve as a keyboard shortcut. Windows automatically turnsthese on when you install tablet drivers, because the people who madethis part of Windows forgot that people also draw with computers. So youwill need to turn it off in the Windows flicks configuration.

Wacom Double Click Sensitivity (Straight starts of lines)¶

If you experience an issue where the start of the stroke is straight,and have a Wacom tablet, it could be caused by the Wacom driverdouble-click detection.

To fix this, go to the Wacom settings utility and lower the double clicksensitivity.

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Supported Tablets¶

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Supported tablets are the ones of which Krita developers have a versionthemselves, so they can reliably fix bugs with them. We maintain a list of those here.