Fitbit Desktop App

©2021 Fitbit, Inc. All rights reserved. Ga voor een gezonder, actiever leven met Fitbit, 's werelds toonaangevende app voor het registreren van je dagelijkse activiteiten, work-outs, slaap en meer. Gebruik de app afzonderlijk om dagelijkse activiteiten en hardlopen te registreren op je telefoon of koppel de app aan een van Fitbits vele trackers en de Aria slimme.

Fitbit is a social networking application that tracks the activity of its users. The application is a wristband that syncs with the application on a smartphone to track the activity and sleep of the user. The app allows the users to track their food and water intake and it also has a social aspect that allows friends to see each other’s progress. The Fitbit app download is an all-in-one fitness application for smartphones. It has a graphical user interface that is easy to use. It also includes a sleep tracker which monitors your sleep patterns and gives data on how well you sleep. The app also includes a food log that includes a barcode scanner that can be used to scan the barcodes of food you eat. The app provides all the necessary data to help you improve your fitness with diet and exercise.


The interface of the app is a touch screen that is easy to use. The interface has four tabs that are titled: Dashboard, Challenges, Friends, and Settings. The dashboard tab is where the user can see their daily progress. The challenges tab tracks the user’s progress on personal or group fitness challenges. The friends tab is where the user can see their friends’ progress and any challenges they are taking part in. The settings tab provides the user with an option to change the daily goals and a general overview of the app. Download Fitbit has a user-friendly graphical interface. It starts with an opening screen that has an overview of your daily activities. You can choose to see your steps, distance, calories burned, and active minutes. There is also a button to log in.


It is easy to use and it is simple to sync with the app. The app keeps the user accountable by reminding the user to work out and to track their food and water intake. The app also makes it easy to compare progress with friends. To use the Fitbit fitness tracker you first need to create an account. You can then sign in with your email and password. The app asks for your weight, height, and age. You can also manually enter these values. This information is used to help the Fitbit software calculate your BMI and shows your weight in pounds or kilograms. You are then encouraged to start tracking your daily activities.


It is not only for fitness. It also tracks the user’s sleep and makes it easy to set goals for the user to achieve. The Fitbit connect download app is more than just a step counter. It is a full-blown fitness application. The app is compatible with a wide variety of smartphones and it offers a variety of different features. The app tracks your steps, distance, calories burned, and active minutes. It also has a food log that includes a barcode scanner. The app also includes a sleep tracker that monitors your sleep patterns.


Support for the app can be found through email, phone call, or chat. The app is supported by customer service. There is a FAQ that is constantly being updated. The app also has a blog where you can see tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Fitbit connect app.


  • Why did I lose my Bluetooth connection with my device?
    There are a few things that can cause this to happen. If your device is on the charger it may be in the 'vault' state which disallows any Bluetooth connections. When you take the device off the charger, the Bluetooth connection should automatically reconnect. Additionally, your device may have lost Bluetooth connection with the phone and a simple reconnect will solve the problem.
  • Why can't I sync my tracker?
    This can happen for a few reasons. Sometimes, the tracker needs a charge. If that doesn't solve the problem, try turning off your phone's Bluetooth and turning it back on.
  • What are the advantages of using the Fitbit desktop app?
    The app has many features that can help you maintain your fitness goals. It has a food log to help you keep track of what you are eating. It has a sleep tracker to help you understand your sleep patterns and how they affect your fitness goals. It also has a social network to connect with other Fitbit download users.
  • What can I do to improve the battery life of my device?
    You can turn off notifications on your device and make sure the screen brightness is turned down. You can also set your trackers to a time to sync so it is not syncing all the time.
  • What is the 'vault' state?
    The vault state prevents the user from syncing the device with any other devices.
  • Why doesn't my home screen have any information?
    This might happen if your device is in the 'vault' state.

This article includes step-by-step instructions for setting up and using the menstrual health tracking feature in the Fitbit app.

For more information and other questions about period tracking with Fitbit, see What is menstrual health tracking in the Fitbit app?

What information can I track in the Fitbit menstrual health feature?

Follow your cycle, log periods, record details, and analyze trends at a glance with menstrual health tracking in the Fitbit app.

  1. If you don’t already have it, add the menstrual health tile to the Today tab in Fitbit app. For more information, see How do I add or remove the menstrual health tracking tile in the Fitbit app?
  2. Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up menstrual health tracking. You’ll be asked a series of questions about your menstrual cycle. The information you provide is used to make predictions about your future period and fertile windows. You can edit or update your information later.
    1. On the calendar, find the approximate date your last period started.
    2. To edit your average period and cycle lengths, tap the + or - icon to add or subtract days.
    3. Turn on notifications if you want to receive reminders on your phone about when your period is predicted to start. For more information, see Can the Fitbit app remind me when my period will start?

To show the menstrual health tile:

  1. Tap the Discover tab Health & Fitness Stats.
  2. Tap menstrual healthAdd to Today.

To hide the menstrual health tile:

  1. On the Today tab , tap Edit in the top right.
  2. Tap the red minus icon next to Menstrual Health and tap Remove.
  3. Tap Save in the top right.

To add or edit a period:

  1. Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile.
  2. Tap the start date of a period on the calendar.
  3. Tap the pencil icon to add or edit a period (you can also tap and hold a date on the calendar). If period predictions are turned on, the entire period appears on the calendar based on your average period length.
  4. On the calendar, tap the first or last day of a period and then slide your finger across the dates to adjust the period length.
  5. Tap Save.

To delete a period:

  1. Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile.
  2. Tap a date on the calendar inside the period you want to delete.
  3. Tap the pencil icon .
  4. Tap Delete. Note that if you have predictions turned on, you’ll still see your predicted period. For more information, see Why do I see a period I already deleted in the Fitbit app?

If you have trouble adding or editing a period, see our troubleshooting tips.

How do I confirm a predicted period in the Fitbit app?

During your predicted period, you’re asked to confirm whether your period started. Tap Yes to confirm that your period started or Not Yet if it hasn’t started. Tap Edit to adjust the dates before you confirm your period.

If you confirm a predicted period, the predicted period becomes a confirmed period. If you don’t confirm a predicted period, the prediction remains on your calendar. After the last day of the prediction window passes, the entire predicted period shifts to the next day. Note that the calendar doesn’t update until after midnight.

  1. Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile.
  2. Tap a date on the calendar.
  3. Tap the plus icon .
  4. Tap details to log them. To delete a detail, tap it so that the check mark disappears.
  5. Tap Save.

Note that logging your flow details doesn’t log a period. To log a period, see How do I add, edit, or delete a period in the Fitbit app?

For more information about menstrual health details, see our blog post Everything You Need to Know About PMS And How to Cope.

How do I log ovulation test results in the Fitbit app?

To log positive or negative ovulation predictor kit (OPK) test results in the menstrual health tracking feature in the Fitbit app, see How do I log or delete menstrual health details? You can log OPK test results in the Fitbit app for iPhone, iPad, and Android phones.


Note: if your OPK provides high or peak fertility results instead of positive or negative results, log a positive OPK test result when you get a peak fertility reading.

How does logging a positive or negative test result affect my predicted period and fertile window?

When you log a positive OPK test result, your fertile window and next predicted period adjust based on your new ovulation day, which is the day after you log the positive test result.

Your future cycle predictions adjust based on the positive OPK test results you log, but past cycles don't change. If you delete a positive OPK test result in the current cycle, your predicted period and estimated fertile window predictions adjust.


If you log a negative OPK test result, your predicted period and estimated fertile window in the Fitbit app remain the same.

Why don't I see an estimated fertile window after logging a positive OPK test result?

In order to see your estimated fertile window in the Fitbit app after logging a positive OPK test result, note the following:

  • If you log more than 2 positive OPK test results in a cycle, the Fitbit app can’t provide an estimated fertile window. Note that if you log 2 positive OPK test results in a cycle, you must log them on consecutive days.
  • If you log a positive OPK test result that causes your fertile window to shift to a different cycle, the Fitbit app can’t provide an estimated fertile window.

For more information about ovulation predictor kits, see our blog post: Using Ovulation Predictor Kits to Help You Get Pregnant? Here's What You Need to Know.

Can I edit a fertile window in the Fitbit app?

Your estimated fertile window automatically adjusts based on the menstrual cycle data you enter. You can’t edit fertile windows.

To turn off fertility predictions, see How do I edit my menstrual health settings?

Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile to see the calendar with your cycle information. The different colors on the calendar indicate various stages of your cycle. Tap a date to see the menstrual health details you logged for that day and other information.

Note that the gray shading indicates a month, not a cycle.

Refer to the table for more information about the calendar icons and colors:

Confirmed period Solid pink indicates a confirmed period. If you don’t have your period, you can edit the dates. See How do I add, edit, or delete a period in the Fitbit app?
Predicted period Light pink indicates a predicted period.
Estimated fertile window Solid blue indicates an estimated fertile window.
Estimated ovulation day A flower inside a fertile window indicates your estimated ovulation day.
Confirmed period & estimated fertile windowSolid pink and blue overlapping to form purple means your predicted period and estimated fertile window overlap.
Selected day ring A circle indicates the selected date.
Today ring The Today ring indicates the current date.
Logged detail dot A dot underneath a date on the calendar indicates you logged menstrual health details for that day.
How do I change the day of the week my calendar starts to Monday?
  1. Tap the Today tab , and tap your profile picture.
  2. Tap Advanced Settings. You might have to scroll down to find this option.
  3. Tap Start Week On and choose which day you want your weeks to begin. Your menstrual health calendar updates automatically.
What should I know before tracking my period with Fitbit?


  • Instead of tapping the pencil icon, tap and hold your finger on a date on the calendar to add or edit a period.
  • Log your period consistently for more personalized predictions.

Why can’t I log or edit a period or menstrual health details in the Fitbit app?

If a period doesn’t meet the following requirements, you may receive an error and be unable to log the period:

  • You can only add or edit current or past periods and details.
  • A period must be at least 1 day.
  • You can log a period of up to 60 days (on Windows 10 devices, the maximum is 10 days). If your period is longer, consider logging flow intensity details.
  • A cycle must be at least 11 days, and there must be a gap of at least 1 day between logged periods. If you experience a gap in bleeding during your period, it’s still 1 period.

Note that If you attempt to log a period in the future or a period with less than a one-day gap between periods, the pencil icon is unavailable. If you don’t see the pencil icon, make sure the period you’re attempting to log or edit meets all of the requirements.

Why do I see a period I already deleted in the Fitbit app?

If you delete a confirmed period and you have predictions turned on, you’ll still see the predicted period for that cycle. For more information about the icons and colors on your menstrual health tracking calendar, see How do I read the menstrual health tracking calendar in the Fitbit app?

To turn off predicted periods, see How do I edit my menstrual health settings?

How can I see trends in my period data?

View your cycle trends to see your average period and cycle lengths, average estimated ovulation day, and graphs of your past cycles and details. Note that you won’t see your average estimated ovulation day if you turned off fertile window predictions. You must log at least 2 periods to see trends.

To see your menstrual health trends:

  1. Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile Trends to view your period trends.
  2. Tap a cycle to see more details, including an overview of the details you logged.
How do I read the graphs of my cycle details in the Fitbit app?

To see the trends for each detail you logged during a cycle:

  1. Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile Trends.
  2. Tap a cycle to see more details.
    • An orange dot indicates you logged a detail on that day.
    • An orange bar indicates you logged flow intensity details on that day. The height of the bar indicates the intensity of your flow.
  3. For information about a certain day of your cycle:
    1. Tap and hold on the calendar that shows your cycle until a vertical line appears.
    2. Drag your finger left or right to choose a day. The number in the top circle is the selected date, and the number in the bottom circle is the day of your cycle. The vertical line helps you see the details you logged on that day.

If your cycle is longer than 60 days, swipe left and right or tap the arrows to scroll through your cycle calendar.

Update information about your cycle, including period length, cycle length, and birth control method, and choose whether to show period and fertility predictions and receive notifications.

  1. Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile.

  2. Tap the gear icon .
  3. Adjust your menstrual health settings as needed.

Turn on period notifications to receive reminders about your upcoming predicted periods. You’ll receive a notification on your phone 2 days before your period starts and on the first day of your predicted period. You’ll also see the reminder on your Fitbit device in Fitbit Today. For more information, see How can I see my period information on my Fitbit device? Note that you must turn on period predictions to receive period notifications.

For more information about turning notifications on or off, see How do I edit my menstrual health settings?

Fitbit desktop app downloadCan I edit my average cycle or period length?

You can edit the average cycle length and period length you provided during setup; however, these settings only affect your initial predictions.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Change your average period length to adjust the length of your initial period predictions. For example, if you change your average period length from 5 days to 8 days, your predictions adjust to reflect this change.
  • Edit your average cycle length to adjust the length of your entire cycle. If fertility predictions are on, the predictions for your fertile window and ovulation day adjust based on the length of your cycle. For more information, see our blog post Ovulation, Fertility, and Pregnancy: What It Really Takes To Make a Baby.

To change your setup values for average cycle or period length:

  1. Tap the Today tab , then tap the menstrual health tile.

  2. Tap the gear icon .
  3. Tap Period Length or Cycle Length and adjust the number.
  4. Confirm your changes.
What do the menstrual health icons mean in the Fitbit app? Windows

The icon shown on the menstrual health tile in the Fitbit app changes depending on where you are in your current cycle.

If you haven't logged any periods or you aren't using predictions, you see the menstrual health tile with no cycle information.
Read the cycle ring (the outer circle) clockwise. It represents your cycle. The pink section represents your period, and the blue section represents your estimated fertile window. The dot, which can be black or white, shows where you are in your cycle.
The black dot on the cycle ring shows where you are in your cycle and that you are approaching your predicted period.
The empty period icon in the center () indicates you don't currently have your period.
The white dot on the cycle ring shows where you are within your predicted or confirmed period window.
The filled period icon in the center () indicates that today is a predicted or confirmed period day.
The black dot on the cycle ring and the empty fertile window icon in the center () indicate you had your period and are approaching your estimated fertile window.
The white dot on the cycle ring and the filled fertile window icon in the center () indicate you're in your estimated fertile window.
The white dot inside the purple overlap on the cycle ring and the overlapped period and fertile window icons () indicate you are in your predicted period and estimated fertile windows at the same time.

Fitbit Desktop App Music

Why do my period and fertile windows overlap?

For some women, the estimated fertile window and period occur on the same day. You’ll see purple shading on the calendar where the 2 windows overlap. Refer to How do I read the menstrual health tracking calendar in the Fitbit app? for details.

For more information, see our blog posts 4 All-Too-Common Period Myths—Debunked and Ovulation, Fertility, and Pregnancy: What It Really Takes To Make a Baby.

How do I log bleeding between my periods?

Fitbit Desktop App For Mac

If you experience bleeding before your period, sometimes known as breakthrough bleeding or spotting, you can track it by logging flow intensity details. For more information, see How do I log or delete menstrual health details?

Do I see a period on the Fitbit menstrual health calendar if I log flow details?

Logging flow intensity details doesn’t add a period to your calendar. To add a period, see How do I add, edit, or delete a period in the Fitbit app?

How do I confirm my period if it arrives early?

If your period arrives early, add it as a new period. Your future predictions automatically adjust. For more information, see How do I add, edit, or delete a period in the Fitbit app?

Swipe up from the clock face and scroll until you see your menstrual health information.

To see menstrual health data on your device, you must set up menstrual health tracking in the Fitbit app and log at least 1 period. For more information about setting up menstrual health tracking, see How do I set up the menstrual health tracking feature in the Fitbit app?

If you don’t want to see period information on your Fitbit device:

  • Fitbit Charge 3, Fitbit Charge 4, Fitbit Inspire series, and Fitbit Luxe—Delete all your menstrual health data in the Fitbit app. For more information, see How do I add, edit, or delete a period in the Fitbit app?
  • Fitbit Ionic, Fitbit Versa, Fitbit Versa Lite Edition, and Fitbit Versa 2—Tap Settings at the bottom of Fitbit Today and turn off the Cycle Track tile.
  • Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Versa 3—Open the Fitbit Today app, and tap Edit at the bottom. Then turn off the Menstrual Health tile.

Sync your Fitbit device to see your most recent information.

Can I see my cycle information on the dashboard? Fitbit Desktop App

At this time, menstrual health tracking is available in the Fitbit app.

How do I add previously tracked cycle information to the Fitbit app?

Fitbit Desktop App Download

Manually add data from cycles you tracked outside the Fitbit app. At this time, you can’t import data from other apps. To add historical cycle information, see How do I add, edit, or delete a period in the Fitbit app?

For more questions about tracking your period with the Fitbit app, contact Customer Support.

This feature is not intended to be used for contraceptive or other medical purposes. Fitbit does not guarantee or warrant that this feature can be used to achieve particular results. This feature may not accurately predict your menstrual cycles or related information. This feature is intended only to help users monitor and keep track of certain information.

Fitbit Desktop App For Mac