P90x Ab Ripper X Video

May 19, 2010 www.90dayfatloss.com/ - P90X Ab Ripper X Transformation Review check it out for step by step process on these dvd. Ab Ripper X is one of the best abdominal workouts around. It builds core strength by using the movements of your hips and chest. The simple exercises are painful but produce rewarding results. Ab Ripper X should be done at least every other day. 11 Ab Ripper X for P90X Exercises. 25 reps per exercise. Duration: About 16 minutes.

  1. P90x Ab Ripper X Workout Video
  2. P90x Ab Ripper X Cast
  3. P90x Ab Ripper X Daily Motion

Tony Horton himself describes his love-hate relationship with Ab Ripper X quite literally:

“I hate it, but I love it.”

And, now a full 18 years later, P90X — more specifically, the 15-minute Ab Ripper X workout — is still a source of mayhem amongst the amateur bodybuilding brotherhood.

Does it really work? Will it tug you more toward love or hate?

Can it double as a standalone ab program? Or does the age-old saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen,” completely defeat this program’s promises?

Find out below!

About the Creator – Tony Horton

What do you get when you mix the early 2000s, a celebrity home workout video boom (thanks, Jane Fonda & Denise Austin), and a fitness craze sweeping the globe?

The answer: Tony Horton.

Tony Horton was an early Beachbody recruit who paved the path for future trainers with the platform, including Shaun T and Autumn Calabrese.

His near-two-decade partnership with Beachbody evolved into:

  • At least 15 unique programs, including 22 Minute Hard Corps, P90X, and Power 90
  • A $200 million franchise in P90X alone by 2010
  • Viewership eclipsing 700,000 hours within the Beachbody On Demand platform
  • An entire P90X enterprise, featuring sequels like P90X2, P90X3, and a second attempt at the original Power 90 — P90

And, to think it all began in his own garage charging $20 per session from the Hollywood elites like movie execs, Billy Idol, and Usher some $20 per session.

It’s not the typical “fall from grace” story we’re used to hearing!

He’s also full of Tony Hortonisms like, “Make it sexy, people” and, “Don’t put banana and hammock in the same sentence.” You’ll either mute him or quote entire sessions back to him.

What is the P90X Ab Ripper X?

From Tony Horton’s own mouth: “This isn’t Ab Ripper 100 or 200. This is Ab Ripper 339,” a clear dig at his much tamer Power 90 Ab Ripper workouts that eventually inspired P90X.

Similar to what we said in our review of 22 Minute Hard Corps, “intense” doesn’t even begin to describe it!

P90X Ab Ripper X is a 16-minute pure core workout featuring 11 ab exercises, 25 reps apiece (technically), 339 or 349 total reps, and no built-in rest blocks whatsoever.

One 12 standard workouts mentioned in our P90X review, Ab Ripper X advanced, designed to help you get ripped, sculpt a six-pack and give you something to brag about on Snap (or even Myspace, a la 2004).

The workout is 100% equipment-free. However, after the first few exercises, you’ll wish you had:

  • A comfortable exercise mat: For 339-ish continuous reps, you’ll press your curved spine and tailbone into the wood (or even cement garage floor) below. A cushioned exercise mat can relieve that lower-back pressure and lessen the risk of bruising or lasting pain.
  • Water: Ab Ripper X will leave you breathing heavy and dripping sweat. The American Council on Exercise recommends about 7–10 oz. of water for every 10–20 minutes of exercise. A filled and chilled water bottle on hand will keep your energy surge thriving while also preventing dizziness, headaches, or dehydration.
  • Towel: The towel route is more of a personal choice. Technically, you don’t need one (your house, your rules). But if it’s soaking through your shirt, dripping into your eyes, or leaving the floor below you slippery, an absorbent sweat towel is a must-have.

Are you ready to bring it? If you want to learn more about Ab Ripper X, scroll a bit further!

The Details of P90X Ab Ripper X

Close your eyes for a moment. Now, picture the cliche early-2000s-era workout video shot in an eerily dim workout studio, featuring a lead trainer mic’ed up with a headset strapped to his face.

That’s Ab Ripper X.

But before you write it off as outdated or choose another ab routine, here’s a closer look at this 16-minute core brutalizer:

Ab Ripper X Exercises

Ab Ripper X is an assortment of 11 core exercises, with Horton leading a crew of three backup trainers from start to finish. After a quick introduction, Ab Ripper X is full speed ahead.

No warm-up, no flashing “warning” sign alerting you of the nearest exits if you’re a beginner, nothin’ — this thing goes from zero to 60 in literally 56 seconds.

Now, here’s a tidbit that’ll either light up your eyes or crush your spirits more than realizing that GTA 6 is still four years away: Ab Ripper X doesn’t spotlight a single standard sit-up or crunch.

Instead, you’ll come face-to-face with these 11 exercises:

  1. In & outs
  2. Bicycles
  3. Crunchy frogs
  4. Cross-leg or wide-leg sit-ups
  5. Fifer scissors (warning: Horton holds these for ridiculously long)
  6. Hip rock ‘n raises
  7. Heels to heaven (which, ironically, is the complete opposite of this workout)
  8. V-up roll-up combos
  9. Oblique V-ups
  10. Leg climbs
  11. Mason twists or Russian twists (50 reps on this one)

After over 16 minutes of absolutely punishing core work, you’ll jump into a minute-long cooldown.

The self-proclaimed yogi will guide you through simple core-stretching yoga holds — like the child’s pose and cobra — as you question every decision in your life that led you here.

What You 100% Need to Know Before Ab Ripper X

Ab Ripper X is the stereotypical Tony Horton workout in the best possible way.

For 16 straight minutes of core training (with the occasional Hortonism tossed in), the legendary trainer will describe proper form, encourage modifications, and demonstrate common mistakes.

It’s definitely an advanced workout.

But before you tap “play,” here’s what you need to know:

  • Single-side — or unilateral — exercises are unpredictable in the rep department. Some require 12 reps per side, while others ask for 50 reps in total (25 for right and 25 for left).
  • Horton doesn’t schedule rest breaks during the 16 minutes, but he does drop one catchphrase quite a few times: “If you need breaks, you better take ‘em.” A minute-long pause now and then is better than finishing an Ab Ripper X bout with piss-poor form.
  • There are two countdown timers on the screen. The one in the bottom-right corner is the time remaining for the entire workout; the timer at the bottom ticks down the seconds for the current exercise. Pace yourself.
  • Most exercises last 30–60 seconds. After finishing rep #25, Horton will quickly explain the next exercise before starting the 25-rep countdown once more.
  • There is no shortcut to six-pack abs; don’t overdo it. Tony Horton agrees: Don’t do this workout every day! Give your muscles time to recover, and dedicate those ‘off’ days to other muscle groups.

Remember: Beachbody released P90X while you were still in elementary school — or possibly still in the womb. There are a few instances where you’ll question what you just witnessed.

For example, there’s one bizarre angle early in the video where, at first glance, it seems like the cameraman is recording the shot from within a closed locker (Peeping Tom, much?).

Then, there’s Horton’s own creepy whispers: “Ab … Ripper … X.”

They don’t ruin the video or the progress you’ll see. But they’ll definitely make you go “hmmm.”

4 Ab Ripper X Pros

  1. It doesn’t only target the classic six-pack muscles that deliver that chiseled, striated appearance (the rectus abdominis). For one, leg-raising exercises like heels to heaven target internal muscles like the iliopsoas or hip flexors. Meanwhile, bicycles and other unilateral exercises pinpoint the obliques, the rippled muscles along the side of the abs.
  2. If you’re already in the sub-10% body fat sweet spot, it won’t take nearly as long to see results, definition, and deeper cuts. Ab Ripper X will make up the bulk of your routine, though some cardio, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and diet could help.
  3. Sixteen minutes of core training doesn’t require as much of a time or energy commitment as a regular 60-minute workout would. A 2015 randomized controlled trial also discovered that anywhere between one and three ab workouts a week would improve core endurance similarly. If you’re a complete newbie, doing Ab Ripper X once a week may be enough.
  4. It’s a fantastic once-in-a-while ab workout. You can combine it with weighted ab exercises, equipment-based exercises (like hanging leg raises), and decline core training to maximize growth, endurance, and strength! Do Ab Ripper X once a week and a more strength or hypertrophy-focused ab workout later in the week.

2 Ab Ripper X Cons

  1. The saying is absolutely true: Abs are made in the kitchen. In fact, a randomized control trial from 2011 revealed that after six weeks of five-day-a-week core training, there was little impact on abdominal fat. Endurance, strength, and even size will undoubtedly improve with Ab Ripper X. But it’s diet and cardio that’ll burn fat and uncover that six-pack.
  2. To be honest, 300+ ab reps in a day and 25-rep low-intensity sets aren’t the most efficient ways to sculpt an Instagram-worthy core. Just like your biceps, pecs, and those stubborn calves, a more aesthetic core requires extra resistance and more muscular activation. Exercises like decline sit-ups and weighted Mason twists will produce better results.

Ab Ripper X Review – The Final Word

P90X’s Ab Ripper X program is all-around a great abdominal program for the intermediate or advanced crew hoping to build strength, endurance, and muscle in the core.

At just 16 minutes, it’s doable, even if you’re short on time. It also targets muscles other than the rectus abdominis (six-pack muscles) and can produce definition in weeks if you’re sub-10% BF.

However, it’s not that simple.

Ab Ripper X is a P90X workout for a reason: it requires a mixture of both diet and exercise. And, while this workout is exhausting, you’ll see better results with a decline or weighted ab exercises.

It’s great now and then, when you’re traveling, or when combined with the rest of P90X.

But alone? Not so much.

Rating: 6.0/10

The post Does P90X Ab Ripper X Really Work? (Review) appeared first on NOOB GAINS.

SOURCE: NOOB GAINS – Read entire story here.

P90x Ab Ripper X Workout Video

Anyone who’s been within earshot of me in the past several months knows that I’ve taken the plunge and joined the P90X craze, which has been a journey unto itself. P90X, as many of you probably know, is a workout-at-home program that has users cycling through about ten DVDs repeatedly over the course of ninety days. As a result, we P90Xers are exposed to the same jokes, the same comments, and the same chatter day after day, week after week, and at the center of it all is fitness guru Tony Horton, who takes us to hell and back every day with a colorful cast of supporting characters. It doesn’t take long to grow attached to some of these oft-silent people in the background, and I know many users have their favorites (as well as those they detest). With that in mind, I decided to compile a list — a ranking of all the supporting cast members from worst to best. There were definitely some difficult decisions, but hey, I know it’s hard. It’s supposed to be!

Some clarification before we begin. This list only includes the original P90X. P90X Plus and P90X2 are not represented.

Let’s get busy.

23. Dom

Here’s why Dom is the very worst supporting cast member of P90X. While all of us are sweating and panting away during the torturous, evil DVD known as “Plymometrics” (jump training, essentially), Dom is bouncing around with his spring-loaded legs as if it ain’t no thing. Even worse, he shows EVERYONE up whenever he can, particularly during Jump Knee Tucks, which are the “mother of all the moves” on the “mother of all the workouts.” Here I am, struggling to jump in place like some demented frog, and there’s Dom — boing boing boing. This may be the mother of all the moves, but he is the MOTHER OF ALL ASSHOLES. At that moment, as I see death approaching me (or maybe it’s just the salty sweat in my eyes), I hate Dom more than anything in life. I’m sure he’s a lovely guy though!


22. Katie

This chatterbox is truly the most annoying person in the P90X oeuvre. Appearing on the Back & Biceps DVD, she spends most of the workout clamoring for the spotlight with perky, irritating squeaks and comments. Even worse, towards the end of the DVD when our aforementioned backs and biceps are nothing but loose putty incapable of even the mildest exertion, she volunteers to perform the HARDEST pull-up in the history of pull-ups: the corn cob. Trust me: when you hear her chirp, “I’m gonna do CORN COB!” you’ll want to absolutely punch her in the face (not that I condone violence towards women, but I mean, c’mon…).

WHERE’S YOUR CORN COB NOW?? (I know that makes no sense)

If you need a break from the countdown, do it now. Do NOT sit down. Don’t go eating a pastrami sandwich. Hamburger bad, fries bad, Coca-Cola bad. Drink your water, people.

Mini-break… Break’s over!

21. Wesley Idol

Here’s the problem with Wesley Idol. He allegedly introduced Tony to the Kenpo-X routine (which isn’t THAT great, by the by), and yet Wesley barely seems to be able to properly keep up. I mean, I know Wesley ONLY BLEEDS ON THE INSIDE, but that doesn’t mean he’s allowed to be so slow while doing CLAW PULL PUNCH! CLAW PULL PUNCH! SWORD HAMMER! SWORD HAMMER! Sorry. It just takes over. Anyway, I have some serious questions about Wesley’s form, which is not to say that mine is better (I’m very awkward and tend to fall over for no particular reason), but seriously, if you are the Grand Poobah of Kenpo-X, at least be awesome at it.

20. Timmy

I feel like Timmy would have been a decent guy had he been on any other DVD, but as the fates would have it, he wound up on Back & Biceps with Katie, and this punk (who could surely beat me to a pulp — he was a Marine, after all) sort of suffers because of it. He feeds on Katie’s energy, and it’s not long before the two are practically yapping away, vying for attention. Excuse me, but Tony’s trying to teach a class here, okay? Shut it.

19. Phil

Talk about surly. Our resident lawyer / karate master / caveman, Phil serves as the most humorless guy in the cast. And we have some pretty humorless people (including DOM). I don’t know why Phil is so mad — maybe it’s the janky haircut he sports every time he’s on camera, or maybe it’s that he’s so muscular he can’t do seated spine stretch like everyone else — but either way, I can assure you he’s NO fun. Turn that frown upside-down, brohan.

18. Vanessa

Vanessa is something of a brute. She doesn’t really have much personality, and really the only thing I can consistently remember about her is that her shirt was light green at the beginning of Kenpo-X (it turns to dark green. Sweat, etc.). I think I heard a rumor somewhere that she’s engaged to Jason from Ab Ripper X (lucky her: he’s the RIP KING). Perhaps that’s mentioned on the Cardio-X DVD, which I’ve never used (but I believe they’re both on it). Anyway, I’m getting off topic. The point is that Vanessa is mean, and I question her footwork during Kenpo. THERE. I said it.

17. Scotty Fifer

Scotty Fifer isn’t the worst, but he does seem a little smug, and I can never, EVER forgive him for bringing “Fifer Scissors” into my world. Truth is that whenever Tony Horton mentions that we’ll be doing anything involving scissors, I groan. That Scotty Fifer had to introduce another variation of scissors into the P90X universe is INEXCUSABLE. For shame, Scotty! For shame!

16. Eric

I don’t mind Eric. He owns a boat. And he’s from Belgium. That’s his thing. He seems a touch cocky though. Either way, he signals the transition point on this list from where the cast goes from being annoying to merely bland.

15. Audra

Speaking of bland, here’s Audra. Who? Exactly. She’s the Ann Veal of P90X. Given that she appears on the longest DVD of the bunch (Yoga X) and the most often viewed workout (Ab Ripper X), it’s shocking that I still couldn’t pick her out of a crowd. Having that little personality is a talent. Or maybe an anti-talent. Whatever it is, Audra is the most forgettable — and therefore inoffensive — of the crew.

P90x Ab Ripper X Cast

Who’s that? OH. It’s AUDRA.

Wow, we’re only at 15? I’m dogging it!!

14. Shauna / Shawna

There’s some controversy online about the spelling of Shauna’s name (does it have a u or a w? Who knows??). That might be the most exciting thing about her. Actually, wait. I’M PUSHING MY OWN PERSONAL PAUSE BUTTON. Shauna does have something exciting about her: she always looks like she’s enjoying some sort of sex fantasy whenever she stretches. And boy, can she stretch. She’s so flexible she makes Gumby look like the Tin Man (or is that Adam?). Either way, she could certainly pose FOR THE COVER OF DOWNWARD DOG MAGAZINE. Best downward dog of her life, I’m sure.

13. Jason

Jason… Jason… who’s Jason again? Oh yeah. HE’S THE RIP KING. And engaged to Vanessa. Looks like he didn’t take Tony’s tip of the day: engage… and I don’t mean go out and GET engaged. My only exposure to Jason is on Ab Ripper X (again, I haven’t done Cardio X); so I really know nothing about this guy except that he just loves flinging his arms in the air while doing seated bicycles. Damn him. Johnny Intense like no one’s business.

12. Joe Bovino

Man o Manischewitz. What to say about Joe Bovino? I sort of like Joe Bovino, if only because he must endure Tony perpetually insisting that they’re twins. They’re not. Plus, he has very impressive triceps! Or as Tony calls them, DIAMONDS OF GOLD.

Halfway done with the list. Party’s almost over! What a bummer! If you’re dogging it, just hit the pause button, and when you’re back, we’ll be right here.

11. Dave

Dave is a little bland, making his lone, quiet appearance on the Chest & Shoulders & Triceps DVD. But he’s rather jacked AND a substitute school teacher, a combination which I think is sort of awesome. Part of me wonders if he’s secretly a superhero. I also wonder if he quietly hates the other cast members. He probably does, and I like that.

10. Sophia

To paraphrase Tony, Sophia is GORRRRGEOUS. Ranking as the hottest lady of the bunch, this dentist-in-training has swell teeth and a sexy voice to boot. She clearly seems to be taking the easy road at times on the Legs & Back disc, but… she’s so pretty! I do always wonder though… if Dreya Weber hadn’t taken off her sweatshirt, would Sophia have done the same? I mean, was Sophia intending to take the sweatshirt off just moments after Dreya, or was she merely catering to some self-imposed sweatshirt-stripdown peer pressure? Part of me thinks she would have kept hers on a little longer if she had her druthers. These are the things I think about.

9. Bobby Stephenson

Good ol’ Bobby Stephenson. He seems like a solid dude. He’s an amiable guy, and on the Back & Biceps DVD, he’s the only one NOT clamoring for screen time (as opposed to Katie and Timmy). For that alone, he lands in the top ten.

8. Tony Lattimore

Here’s why I like Tony: he often times seems like the only one who knows what he’s doing during Kenpo-X. Talk to anyone, and they’ll tell you: keep your eye on Tony Lattimore for form. It’s true. GRAB PULL PUNCH!

7. Laura

I like Laura because she’s older than anyone else in the cast, and yet she’s plugging right along with the best of them. Of course, then I feel bad that she can do significantly more than I can (you don’t want to see me attempt a plyo-pushup), but hey, that’s okay. More power to her. Plus, we can see that Tony especially likes her as he often sidles up next to her to make some silly joke or comment. Aw, I love LAURONY.

6. Maren

When it comes to Maren, there are only three words necessary: GERMAN POTATO SOUP. Yes, that’s the imaginary brew she stirs up during the world famous Karen pot stirrers, and dammit if it doesn’t make me hungry every time. Maren seems like a sweet girl — trying her best just like the rest of us. Heck, she’s not just trying her best, she’s FORGETTING THE REST. Also, fun fact: she’s a hardcore porn star too! What? You didn’t see Joey Silvera’s Fashion Sluts 11? Me neither. I’m not sure I want to see Maren having sex. Part of me fears that she’ll sound like a pterodactyl backing out of trouble. KAW KAW!!

I’m in a good mood today, man. You in a good mood?

5. Dreya Weber

Some people love the “gorgeous” Dreya. Some people hate her. Here’s one thing we can all settle on: she flies through the air with the greatest of ease. Call me insane (and lord knows there ain’t no such thing as a sanity clause), but I like Dreya. She’s tough, a little manly, and she always smiles. You can tell that she and Tony really get along, and any friend of Tony’s is a friend of mine (except for anyone on the bottom part of this list… I’m looking at you, DOM). Anyway, I know some of you may be upset that I’ve placed Dreya so high, but what the hell, life is good, I’m the leader, I can do whatever I want.

4. Erik Stolhanske

Give Erik some credit. Not only is he part of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe (Supertroopers), but he has one leg, and he still shows up for Plyometrics. AND he makes jokes about it. There seriously have been times when I’ve wanted to collapse on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat during this workout, but then I realize that if Erik can do it with one leg, I can do it with two. Even better, Erik isn’t all DOM about it. He’s not showy. He just does his thing. He proves that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR THIRTY SECONDS IF YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO IT. In other news, I can’t always do anything for thirty seconds, even if I put my mind to it. Although, if it’s resting and drinking water, I certainly have that down.

3. Daniel Haas

About an hour into the Yoga X DVD — when every muscle in your body is trembling, sweat is dripping down your face, and you’re seriously contemplating burning down the offices of Downward Dog magazine — perhaps the last thing you want to see are all those people on screen bending and contorting their bodies like a bunch of pretzels. It can be defeating. And then there’s Daniel Haas. Seeing his imperfect form gives you hope (unlike Wesley Idol’s imperfect form, which just looks lazy). Daniel Haas makes me realize that I’m truly a work in progress, just like he is. Also, he seems cool.

2. Adam

Ah, Johnny-trainer-stretchy-dancer boy. Adam is arguably the most physically fit member of the P90X cast. That’s probably why he prances around shirtless through two-thirds of the videos he’s in. We probably should hate Adam for the way he breezes through Ab Ripper X or Yoga Belly 7 (“HIT MY HAND. HIT MY HAND!!!”). But we don’t. His stone-cold face shows determination and grit (as opposed to Phil, whose face shows anger and bitterness). And then we get to Core Synergistics, and Adam is all smiles and giggles, especially at the end when he tries to go for some bonus reps and fails miserably. Wait, Adam can fail? HE’S JUST LIKE US! And quite frankly, I don’t know how he doesn’t get faked out when Tony says “Add ’em” and then later has to say, “Add the arms, not Adam back there.” The fact that Adam doesn’t flinch always impresses me because I would have been like “YES? YOU CALLED MY NAME???”

Of course, must I even mention the coup de grace? It happens during Yoga. The group is doing frog, and Shauna winds up touching Adam’s foot. So what does he do? Adam wiggles his toe to say hi. HE WIGGLES HIS TOE TO SAY HI. I mean, this man is a GENTLEMAN. There’s only one person who could possibly top that. You’ve probably already guessed who it is.

All this tension… I hate it…

But I love it…

Get ready…

P90x Ab Ripper X Video

‘Cause it’s coming…

1. Pam

Although, they call her…

P90x Ab Ripper X Daily Motion

1. BLAM!!!

Pam is a private investigator, but more important than that, she is the recipient of the most important nickname in all of P90X: PAM THE BLAM. Everything else is irrelevant. Just make sure of one thing: don’t stand in the creek ’cause Pam will run you over!

Wow. That’s the end. Take in the fact that you just did all that.

Who are your favorites? And what are your favorite quotes?