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  1. RPG Maker is described as 'The RPG Maker software series is a set of game creation suites aimed at easy 2D role playing game creation' and is an app in the Development category. There are more than 50 alternatives to RPG Maker for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Online / Web-based and Android.
  2. An old favorite, remastered/remade in a different engine. Finish a fun RPG in 15 minutes!! Nihilo follows protagonist Estes and his party as they journey to uncover the truth behind The Calamity that laid their once peaceful world to barren wastes. Play as Kaiser a youngster who is the descendent of a legendary hero.
  3. Ace also has the advantage of being compatible with all existing fan-made RPG Maker VX resources right out of the box. EXPORT YOUR GAME So you’ve finished your project and you are ready for others to experience your unique RPG. Export your game to a portable EXE file that can be played on any Windows system.

If your primary goal of using RPGMaker is to make money, then unless you enjoy the process of making RPGs, I’d recommend you look elsewhere.

I say this because the market is absolutely flooded with low-budget indie games. Not that there’s anything wrong with that – the low barrier to entry allows more passionate game developers than ever to pursue their dreams.

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The problem is that, in terms of revenue, unless you’re able to make a smash hit on your first try (hint: unlikely), you’re looking at spending years learning the software and creating your first game, followed by many weeks of learning how to use Steam and how to market your game, followed by your big release, and finally the grim realization that your first game may not even gross $1,000 in its lifetime.

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Currently, the only way to create a new translator's project is to select the exe file of your game. If I remember correctly, I think RPG Maker XP, VX, and VX Ace are automatically generating an exe file for your game project even without deploying the project. So, it is possible to create a translation project without deploying the game first. This is the first of my series of tutorials about RPG Maker VX Ace. In this video, we are going to go over the basic tools, and create a basic map.

I don’t say these things out of malice. I feel like a lot of potential RPG devs find some of the older, more financially successful, ‘basic’ RPGM games on Steam, such as Cubicle Quest, Grayfox, or the Labyronia games, and tell themselves, “I can do better than that! “.

I feel that way because I started out with that exact thought.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that, if those games made so much money and they look so simple, well surely I could make a better one and make even more money, right? Probably not. Many of those games were released during the brief Steam Greenlight era, where the market wasn’t even a tenth of what it is now and your game could gain traction even without marketing.

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That time has long passed, and while it’s still possible to make money from using RPGMaker, it’s a long, slow grind–definitely not for someone just looking to make a quick buck.


There are plenty of ‘modern’ commercially successful games made with RPG Maker, such as LISA or One Shot or To The Moon, but they’re the exception, not the norm. These games were made by people who already had an audience to begin with, not to mention years of experience, longer time frames and higher budgets. Or they just had a publisher.

Look through the list of games tagged RPGMaker on Steam and scroll past the first page. I imagine you’ll quickly find what the actual norm is – a veritable graveyard of passion projects and disillusioned developers thinking, what did I do wrong? Why doesn’t anyone want to play my game?

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Just to use myself as an example, I played RPG Maker PSX for many years as a young teen, then spent many more months just fiddling with RPG XP, VX Ace, and finally MV before I decided to get serious. I probably had 3 years of RPG making experience when I started on my first commercial game, and that game took another 9 months to create and sell.

That game is about to hit its 2 year anniversary, and it still hasn’t passed $1,000 in gross revenue. Look around on the RPG Maker message boards and you’ll find that I’m not alone in having such poor sales for a first game release.

Thankfully, I enjoy RPG Making almost as I do playing video games, so it wasn’t hard for me to give it another go, and another after that – now my fifth game is releasing in a little under a month. I’ll likely have a sixth sometime early next year as well.

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My income from game development, though, is only enough so far to pay my utilities every month. That might sound great, but remember that it took me four years worth of experience to reach this point.


The question you have to ask yourself is, are you willing to put in that amount of effort? And would you be willing to accept that your years of hard work might only result in an extra cup of coffee here and there? If ‘yes’, then welcome aboard! Otherwise, you’re better off pursuing different game development software or a new hobby altogether.

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(Note: If you can write simplified chinese and draw hentai, ignore this entire article)