Tamagotchi Connection Virtual Cyber Pet Instructions

Tamagotchi Connection Instructions - Virtual Pet. How to Care for a Tamagotchi V4/V4 5: 9 Steps (with Pictures). Tamagotchi On – by Bandai America Inc. The Tamagotchi Connection V4 was released in 2007 as the fourth version of the connection series It's based on the Japanese 'Entama' series In the European. TAMAGOTCHI Electronic Virtual Cyber Pet Retro Toy Game 90's Nostalgic KeyRing. A Tamagotchi pet is a keychain-sized virtual pet simulation created in Japan. They were first sold by Bandai in 1996; as of 2010, more than 76 million Tamagotchi pets have been sold worldwide. The name “Tamagotchi” is said to be a combination of the Japanese word for “egg” and the English word “watch”.

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January 1, 1998

From Virtual Pet to Virtual Pit Bull: Fighting Cyber Toys

Tamagotchi pet instructions

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t is the eve of the great battle. Ten hours from now, the creature I have doted upon and nurtured for all of his young life faces the day of reckoning. Little Timmy may kill or be killed.

I offer one final reflection: Who's bringing the snacks? This is going to be great!

Before you surrender me to the police, the ASPCA or the local anti-cockfighting hot line, there's something you should know. This creature merely is a virtual pet, but it is one you may soon be hearing more about — when all the children you know start clamoring for their own.

The creature is called DigiMon, short for digital monster, and it will soon be heavily promoted at a retailer near you. It is the sequel to Tamagotchi, a primitive digital chicken that sold a blazing 40 million copies last year and inspired international devotion among youngsters not seen since the heyday of Menudo.

Like Tamagotchi, the computerized DigiMon appears on a small LCD readout device attached to a key chain. And like Tamagotchi, it beeps when it wants food and attention. But there is one key difference from its more passive progenitor: DigiMon is designed to fight, and your job is to prepare it.


After training the DigiMon, you hook it up to another DigiMon and the two battle it out for digital dominance. The winner gets stronger, the loser weaker. The owner gets bragging rights and, one hopes, not carpal tunnel syndrome.

Bandai, the makers of Tamagotchi and DigiMon, is not the only toy company to make a foray into digital Darwinism. In fact, this may be the year of the virtual gladiators, creatures children nurture and love and then, like any proud parent, send out to kick some serious byte.

n late November, Tecmo Inc. held its U.S. launch of Monster Rancher, an arcade game for Sony's PlayStation. It already has been on the top 10 chart for six months in Japan and has shipped about 600,000 copies.

The game includes more than 220 monsters, which are created in unusual fashion. After loading the game, a player puts an ordinary compact disc into the PlayStation — anything from a rock music CD, to Microsoft Office or Excel. The game then reads the CD and creates a monster based on the coding of the CD.

Monster Ranchers fighting
Players then rear, feed, train, work and discipline their monsters. 'If you don't punish him,' said Linda Shannon, a Tecmo spokeswoman, 'he'll get spoiled and whiny and disloyal and he won't follow your commands.' Nor will he fight, which is the game's goal. Players can save their monsters on memory cards, then load them onto other PlayStations, where they can do battle with other monsters. Pet

Is the idea of raising a creature to send it out to fight a little perverse? 'At first I had an emotional attachment toward my monster and I felt bad about having to send it out to fight,' Shannon said. 'But after the second or third fight, he was doing well. I was proud of him. It's not like the lions and the Christians.' Besides, you couldn't hit the 'reset' button on the lions.

Meanwhile, Nintendo plans this year to introduce the U.S. market to Pokemon, which is known in Japan as the wildly popular Pocket Monster. The game is for Nintendo's GameBoy, the portable hand-held video game system.

As with DigiMon, the idea behind Pokemon is to raise and nurture monsters for battle. It is also popular in Japan to trade Pokemon species, of which there are more than 150. In November, about 200,000 children reportedly crashed Nintendo's trade show to get the code to release the 151st monster. (One hopes their parents had properly fed, nurtured and trained them to fight.)

Finally, Tiger Electronics Inc., which competed against Tamagotchi with its own virtual pets, called Giga Pets, plans to release Giga Fighters, according to company a spokeswoman, Lana Simon.

Tamagotchi Connection Virtual Cyber Pet Instructions

Lee Isgur, a consultant and venture capitalist who has studied the virtual pet industry, said the advent of smaller, less expensive memory chips will lead to increasingly exotic, functional pets. 'With voice recognition, you'll be able to tell your pet, 'step back, uppercut, jump,' Isgur said. 'You'll find an awful lot of nine-year-olds that say, 'that's a heck of a lot better than what we have now.'

s for my little prize fight, Bandai sent me a pair of DigiMons. This way, I would have the opportunity to raise two of them, let them do battle, and see just what happens when these creatures engage in a violent digital bloodbath. I named them Timmy and Al.

Timmy's outer-casing is blue; Al's is brown. Inside the casing, each of them look like a tiny Pac-Man, whose triangular mouths open when they eat. I tried to raise them as equals, to play no favorites, to feed them identical amounts of food and vitamins, subject them to the same training regimen, and to warn each of them about the evils of watching too much television.

Turns out, it's not particularly exotic to nurture or train them. Once they hatched from an egg, I repeatedly punched the food button on the side of the LCD readout. An icon indicated they were full. Then I started pressing the vitamin button. As I did so, they started gaining weight rapidly, each going from a virtual 1 pound to 80 pounds in a matter of minutes. The vitamins, I decided, were like steroids and, in the Olympic spirit, I kept pumping them in.

According to the instructions, a DigiMon must 'sleep' at least one night in order to have the energy to fight another. When they awaken, I will hook the two units together. According to Bandai, the pair will shoot fireballs at each other's screen, or growl or throw things. Then, within five seconds, I will know which one is the fittest, whether Little Timmy or Adorable Al will meet his maker.

I hope someone brings snacks.

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  • Bandai Co. Ltd.
  • Tecmo
  • Nintendo
  • Tiger Electronics, maker of the Giga Pets

Tamagotchi Connection Virtual Cyber Pet Instructions Download

Matt Richtel at mrichtel@nytimes.com welcomes your comments and suggestions.